Saturday, July 24, 2010

Summer in the Garden!

My garden is truly struggling with the heat wave that is going on here in Delaware! I feel sorry for the plants and at the same time I am amazed! My double knockout roses all of a sudden grew so much and there's roses everywhere, the Lavender is doing great too and we now have tomatoes!!!! It's a shame that I am the only one that eats them at home. Here are some pics for you to enjoy! I apologize if you see some weeds but with the extreme heat they seem to thrive and I deweed last week and now they are back out.

My daughter picking the first tomato

We do have a super sale at, make sure to stop by!


  1. Claudia, your roses are gorgeous!

  2. Ah who notices the weeds! How true is that though? Everything else is drooping but the dang weeds, ha! Have a great week!

